67 Articles Found

Helpful Job-Searching Hints for Teen Job-Seekers

Finding a summer job is a rite of passage for many teens, and while some years it may easier to find a job than others, the bottom line is that finding a job -- even a summer job -- takes planning, effort, and determination. And while looking for a job in the classified ads may work for a small number of teens, here are better alternative ways to find work.

How Does an Informational Interview Work?

While it's an underutilized approach, arranging informational interviews with successful professionals can benefit your career in many ways. In addition to quickly validating or dispelling what you've heard or assumed about a particular line of work or organization, these appointments will enable you to expand your network of contacts and gain additional interview experience. Following are tips on how to arrange, prepare and conduct an informational interview.

How to Answer 10 Tough Interview Questions

There's no worse feeling than when you're in an interview and the interviewer asks you a question to which you don't know the answer. The best way to handle this dreaded debacle is to go into the interview prepared. Familiarize yourself with a few common difficult questions and arm yourself with answers prepared ahead of time.

Focus on Follow-Up After Networking Events

Networking is how you will generate leads, contacts and ideas for your job search. But those leads, contacts and ideas have a short half-life. Failure to follow up on a timely basis can result in a lot of good work being wasted. Make sure you build into your schedule adequate time to do the follow-up work that can convert opportunities into job offers.

7 Little-Known Reasons You're Not Getting Hired

If you're job hunting you're surely aware of the most egregious and common no-nos: showing up for the interview ten minutes late; answering your phone during the interview; handing over a resume riddled with typos; using a silly-sounding E-mail address; failing to demonstrate you've researched the employer; bad-mouthing your last boss; neglecting to follow up. You're not doing any of that, are you? Of course not. But you may not have considered some of the less-discussed, under-the-radar issues. Give this list a look and ask yourself, "Do any of these sound like me?"