Online_marketing_rotator.jpgMost job seekers limit their thinking to finding a traditional job.  Full-time or part-time, working for a stable employer has historically been the first choice of most clients trying to build their financial resources.

But with the power of the internet accessible to nearly anyone, starting a business has never been more convenient, and it allows anyone with an idea, the ability to communicate it, and access to virtually costless communications channels to give it a go.

For example, MAM Employment Services client Justina Ochonma has decided to augment her income as an adjunct HCC instructor by creating a business that sells organic gourmet coffee, tea and other products through both wholesale and retail distribution techniques.  Her business, Salpraiz, is an independent contractor with OrganoGold, which sells primarily through the internet and through direct marketing efforts.

"I decided to start the business because I wanted independence, the ability to create a growing income stream, and to have no limits on my success," Justina said.  "OrganoGold has many excellent products which my customers have received well.  I am building my business now, so I can't say that it is instantly lucrative.  It takes a lot of effort.  But I love the fact that it all depends on hard work, with God's help."

There are many direct marketing opportunities for people interested in starting their own businesses.  They are cautioned to check carefully the credentials of the sales organizations with which they will become involved, because not all have good reputations.  However, OrganoGold is an example of many direct sales organizations that do not require a huge up-front investment, and have out-of-the-box structure to help new businessmen/women get started.

"I found setting up my website to be quite simple," said Justina.  "In fact, OrganoGold did all the work for me.  Now I have a website,, that I can project not only around Houston, or even around Texas, but literally around the world.

"Starting a business might not be for everybody," Justina continued.  "There are no guarantees.  But in my situation, with some steady income from my job at HCC, creating my own business is both a manageable risk as well as, I believe, a potential for higher returns than just taking another job."

Online marketing is one of several ways to work from home.  Legitimate work from home jobs include customer service, recruiting, sales, scheduling, technical, writing, marketing, and telemarketing positions.  But do your research carefully, to avoid scams aimed at taking your money and your confidential information.  This alternative may be especially appealing to working mothers, students and others who need flexible schedules or extra income on top of an existing work commitment.